Welcome to the world of science fiction romance. My own part of the SFR universe involves a Beryllian couple named Bazin and Miaxa. They are a part of an evolving series, which has managed to start off with an 8,000 word short story that is featured in the SFR Brigade anthology: Romancing the Stars. This particular short story is titled "Aliens in the Barn," a fun look at what it's like for a human family, the Maddox family, to have an alien living in their barn. As if one alien isn't enough, another shows up, turning out to be the mate of their alien resident. Misunderstandings ensue.
I love looking at the cultural side of what something like alien visitors could mean to us humans. Since I'm an archaeologist by trade, I suppose it was only natural that I would be interested in such a thing.
You can find Aliens in the Barn along with 3 other short stories about Bazin and Miaxa here:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Aliens-Barn-Stories-Romance-Misadventure-ebook/dp/B01HIO4B2S/
Happy reading!
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