Aliens in the Barn

Monday, September 22, 2014

Blog Tour: My Name Is A'yen

Today, I welcome Rachel Leigh Smith to my blog. She is touring her brand new book, "My Name Is A'yen." When I first read a snippet from this book, I was intrigued by the main character, who happens to share my profession. An Archaeologist in space with romance? Yes please!

There was one little problem, 'archaeologist' was spelled wrong. It's a common mistake to spell it 'archeologist.' Unfortunately, this annoying misspelling permeates literature everywhere.

I wasn't sure if I should correct the author. It would be the very first interaction with Rachel and I didn't want to come across the wrong way. I went ahead anyway. If I could get the spelling corrected in one piece of fiction, I would be ecstatic. Rachel was more than happy to correct it and we have been talking ever since! When she started touring the book, I just had to host her! I'm very excited about this release!

Without further rambling, here's Rachel with a snippet of her Archaeologist at work:

Rachel Leigh Smith:
I met Kyndra not long after I joined the Science Fiction Romance Brigade and started participating in The SFR Brigade Presents. She corrected me on my spelling of 'archaeologist' and told me she was one. Cool! I’d never met an Archaeologist before.

The heroine of My Name Is A’yen, Farran Hart, is an Archaeologist determined to find the Loks Mé homeworld. A’yen, a Loks Mé, believes it’s a myth and never existed. The novel is set in Earth year 5231, so I made up most of the stuff Fae does, based on my basic knowledge of archaeology which comes from watching a lot of Egypt and Biblical documentaries.

I promised Kyndra an excerpt of Fae practicing her art, and here it is. The beetle is a recurring motif in Loks Mé culture. For the full scoop on it and what it means, you’ll have to read the book.

All her dates were wrong. Pete’s discovery of the year the recording had been made shook the foundations of history. Exactly two thousand years ago. How much of history had the mysterious Social Union rewritten? Or more appropriately, the Marcasians via the Union.

She hiked the ramp out of the dig and turned to survey the work. The last ten days, they’d focused on the wall. It now stretched fifty-three feet in a straight line. Chunks were missing, like a giant fist had punched through the stone, and she still hadn’t figured out how it happened.

“Dr. Hart, you need to come see this.” One of the grad assistants waved his hat in the air and she jogged over to him. A slab of stone met her gaze. “I think it’s a lid of some kind.”

She worked her way down the side, careful not to touch the stone with her feet. Bending over, she ran her fingers across the exposed edges. “I think you’re right.”

An indention in the stone caught her attention. No brush in her pocket, so she used her hand, then blew on it. A beetle. “A’yen, come here a minute.”

“I’m already scanning it in.”

She lifted her head, found him standing above her, scanner in hand. “There’s something I want to show you.”

He tucked the scanner in his pocket and joined her beside the stone. His eyes widened when he saw the beetle, and he held his hand to it. Nothing happened. “What do these things mean?” His whisper carried to her ears alone.

“I wish I knew.” She stood. Looking down at his back, the muscles across his shoulders and neck tensed. He covered the beetle again, leaned closer, pressed his ear against the stone.

“We need to open it.”

Bio: Rachel Leigh Smith writes romance for the hero lover. She lives in central Louisiana with her family and a half-crazed calico. When not writing, which isn’t often, she’s hanging with her family, doing counted cross-stitch, or yakking about life, the universe, and everything with her besties. There may also be Netflix binging . . .

She blogs sporadically at, can be found on Twitter @rachelleighgeek, and hangs out on Facebook, You can sign up for her newsletter here.

Buy Links:


They've taken everything from him. Except his name.

The Loks Mé have been slaves for so long, freedom is a distant myth A'yen Mesu no longer believes. A year in holding, because of his master's murder, has sucked the life from him. Archaeologist Farran Hart buys him to protect her on an expedition to the Rim, the last unexplored quadrant.

Farran believes the Loks Mé once lived on the Rim and is determined to prove it. And win A'yen's trust. But she's a breeder's daughter and can't be trusted.

Hidden rooms, information caches and messages from a long-dead king change A'yen's mind about her importance. When she's threatened he offers himself in exchange, and lands on the Breeder's Association's radar. The truth must be told. Even if it costs him his heart.
Question for readers: Who is your favorite romance hero?
Hello dear readers. Rachel Leigh Smith is having a giveaway to celebrate her new release! I love that it looks like an artifact, like ancient jewelry.

Rafflecopter code:

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Review: Restless In Peaceville by Pippa Jay

Zombies are fun. I like zombies. One of the best thing about them is that so much can be done with them, everything from "Night of the Living Dead" to "Warm Bodies." They've become a part of our very culture. So, when Pippa said she was being attacked by zombie plot bunnies and after I got the image of half-decayed brain-eating rabbits out of my head, or maybe because I had that image in my head, I was intrigued. When Pippa said she wanted to place her story in the Deep South, I perked up. When Pippa said she wanted to make her zombies Cajun, I was in! Cajun zombies. No one has ever done that before to my knowledge. And the possibilities are endless!

There was a slight potential problem with this idea: Pippa is British. When she asked her Southern US friends for guidance on things Southern and Cajun, I was more than happy to dive right in, being Southern and all. She sent the first chapter and I knew right then that she had something pretty awesome. That demon administrator is such writing gold that I was grinning from ear to ear, such great imagination and imagery. If I wasn't already sold on the story after reading the descriptions of him, I was fully invested by the chapter ending scream. Brilliant!

British or not, Pippa was clearly onto something with this Cajun zombie thing. Writing what you don't know, and doing it so well, is the mark of a truly great author. Her research payed off and being available to answer all her questions was a lot of fun. Any Cajun-specific questions she had, I referred her to a relative of mine, who happens to be Cajun. When she got the book deal, I was very excited for her, but not surprised. I knew the story was unique from the get go and would have been surprised if she didn't get a book deal.

So, here we are on the book tour, something I wouldn't miss out on for the world! I knew immediately that I wanted to review this thing and I could talk on and on about it forever. I'll try to keep it somewhat short...ish...without giving anything away.

First of all, wow, a book dedication. I've never had a book dedicated to me and when I read that dedication, I was positively floored. Thank you, Pippa!

The descriptions of what it feels like to be a zombie are excellent. I never really thought of all that before. As I read through the second chapter, I found that I had no idea how Luke and Annabelle were going to end up. Luke briefly wonders if people will be trying to blow his head off and if eating brains is compulsory. I was just so curious to see how this ends that I couldn't stop reading. And the humor! It was pretty funny that Annabelle is so nimble while Luke can't even tie his shoes with his 'zombie fingers.' I loved that level of detail.

In fact, the level of detail throughout the story is excellent and really pulled me in.

"Frogs and the haunting cry of barred owls call to us as we walk, the underlying buzz of insects never falling silent. The odd splash of something slipping into the water."

That's an amazing description, so spot on that I felt like I was at home.

"I'm just thankful no one is using Route 31 tonight, or I'll be flat as the couple of roadkill snakes I see along the way."

Seriously, how has this author never been to this part of the world? Such detail like this can only come from someone who's lived there, right? Wow!

All the questions Luke and Annabelle have are questions I was having too. What IS going to become of them? What ARE they going to do? What DO zombies do for entertainment? Well, I know that entertainment for me was two zombies, living in a house with a vampire, going to see a voodoo queen. Loved it!

As I read this book, there were a lot of things coming up about zombies that I never thought of before. What would happen if a vampire bit a zombie? What if a zombie had been cremated? What happens if bugs get under a zombie's dead skin? Would a zombie win the best zombie contest at Halloween? What would happen if a zombie and an alligator, a creature who loves rotten flesh, crossed paths? #CajunZombieProblems

There was so much thought put into this book and I love that it made me look at zombies in a whole new way.

The romance between the two main characters is very sweet. There is nothing explicit at all, just two teenagers trying to figure out what love could be after death.

I think teenagers would really love this story. The main character, Luke, confronts his bully. The first encounter I loved, but I wasn't quite sure what to think about the second encounter. There seemed to be something missing to provoke that sequence of events, just a small detail. But, I imagine any teenager who's been bullied would be satisfied with that outcome.

I loved how many times this book made me laugh. For how grim the situation was, there was a lot of great humor. I got a kick out of Luke's encounter with curious kids. I loved that he laughed too. It was pretty funny.

Having strong feelings regarding suicide, I wasn't sure how I was going to handle that particular aspect of the story. There is a reason it had to be that way, which made the story all the more poignant, but I was relieved that Luke regretted killing himself. Thinking of the glow, the bright spark of the living and how he had that and threw it away was a good lesson.

"Restless In Peaceville" definitely gets 5 stars from me. I had such a great time reading this story, I can't wait to read more by Pippa Jay!

Here are all the places where the book is available:
Lycaon Press – 

Bookstrand –

Omnilit –

Amazon US –

Amazon UK –

Add it to your Goodreads TBR here –

Sign up to Pippa's no-spam newsletter to get updated on the latest releases, giveaways and special offers. Exclusive snippets and stories coming soon!

If you've read down this far, surprise! A Giveaway! It's a cute little brain heart necklace. I wish I could have it. :) So fun!


Code for the rafflecopter giveaway (open 1st September to the 1st October, international) –

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Spotlight! A Matter of Trust by Greta van der Rol

I read this excerpt and my stomach did flip flops!


Amira strode across the ornate polished stone floor of her father’s private sitting room and into his study. “You wanted to see me, Father?”

Prince Fedor Hezkurin looked up from the paperwork on his desk and scowled, his gaze flicking over her. “Amira, my dear, I wish you wouldn’t wear those peasant clothes. They don’t become you.”

“They’re very practical for my work with the Tuchaska.” She pulled off the clasp that tied back her ponytail and shook her head, sending her hair dancing around her shoulders.

Hezkurin sighed. “That doesn’t become you either. You should not be wasting your time with aliens.”

Amira pulled over a chair and sat facing him. Yes, she probably did need a shower, and a change of clothes, too. Her boots had probably left a trail over her father’s floor. But she wasn’t going to apologize. “It was their planet before we took it over.”

“Yes, my dear and we’ve been the rulers for two hundred years.”

“They provide the labor for your estates. If somebody doesn’t help them you won’t have a labor force at all.” They’d had this discussion before. He didn’t care about mysterious illnesses that only affected the Tuchaska. As far as he was concerned there were enough of them to get the work done. Without her intervention their physician wouldn’t have been able to obtain sufficient drugs to treat the sick.

Today she’d helped the doctor move two patients from their home to his clinic.

He nodded absently.

Her fingers beat a staccato tattoo on the arm of the chair. He was up to something. She could always tell. His eyes became shifty, darting around, and he fiddled with the objects on his desk. “Well?”

Prince Fedor shifted the picture of his wife one more time and took a deep breath. “I’ve been talking to Baron Ghaurondo.”

Ghaurondo? Big fat, ugly, loathsome Ghaurondo. She cocked an eyebrow. “How nice for you.”

“He’s a very powerful man, Amira.”

“Only in the Arondean Hegemony.”

Her father frowned. “Which is ten systems and where we live.”

“Yes, fine.” Amira crossed her legs and folded her arms. Her heart beat a little faster. This wasn’t sounding good. “So what?”

The Prince scratched absently at his neck above the ornate collar of his uniform. Goodness, that was a very bad sign. This wasn’t going to be good at all.

“As you know, we’ve not had the best of seasons. And we’re very dependent on the Arondean Hegemony… to buy our harvest, anyway. They’ve found other places to supply their agricultural products.” Fedor paused and licked his lips.

“What has that to do with me, father?”

“Baron Ghaurondo has always admired you.”

“Him and a few others.” Her pulse galloped. She had an idea she knew where this was going.

“He’s asked for your hand.”

“Sorry, I need both of mine.” She wished this was some sort of ridiculous joke. Or maybe she’d wake up in her own bed. “Father, you can’t be serious. He’s a bag of fat on legs. He’s got body odor.”

“Amira, darling, don’t make this difficult. It’s time you married again. He’s rich and powerful—”

“He’s twice my age and disgusting. No.” Anger boiled in her belly. So he thought he could order her about like a teenager, did he? She should never have come back here. “And why do I have to marry again anyway?”

“Christoph’s been dead for a year now and you’re not getting any younger.”

“Don’t give me the grandchildren story. I don’t want to hear it.” She stared at him, a horrible thought insinuating itself into her mind. He couldn’t mean…? Surely not. But his face was composed, the sort of look her father gave his estate manager when he’d made up his mind. “Oh, how obscene. With that… that…”

“Look at it from the family’s point of view, darling. It’s a strategic alliance. In the short term, Baron Ghaurondo can guarantee sale of our harvest. Without that, we’re in for a very hard time.”

“So you’re selling me to keep your economy going.”

“No. In the longer term, we become part of a powerful family that will secure our future here. You would be mother of the future Baron.”

Amira’s lip curled in disgust. “Oh, please, father. Ghaurondo already has a gaggle of sons.”

“He has promised your son will become—”

“So you’re selling me to gain political advantage. You disgust me.” At least he had the decency to squirm.

“No.” He scratched his neck again. “Look at the positives. Ghaurondo can give you anything you want. Jewels, clothes, finery, antiques.” He made an expansive gesture with his arm. “Anything at all.”

“He has nothing I want.”

The prince cleared his throat. “I’ve agreed, Amira. Baron Ghaurondo will be here tomorrow to collect his betrothed.”

Her heart lurched. Tomorrow. The bastard. “You didn’t think it might have been nice to discuss your plans for my life with me?” She jabbed her finger at her chest.

He leaned back in his chair, his fists on the desk, his gaze fixed on her face. “I knew what you’d say. But sometimes I have to think about more than just my immediate family’s interests.”

This was beyond acceptable. He might have sired her but contempt for him rose like bile in her throat. She rose to her feet and leaned over the desk at him. “You can’t do this. I’m thirty-six years old, not some naïve teenager to force into a strategic union.”

He flinched, but his jaw set. “I’ve given my word. It will be done.”

Amira shook her head slowly. “I’ve not given mine.” You contemptible bastard. She spun on her heel and strode toward the door, her boots ringing on the stone.

Her father’s sigh followed her. “I had hoped it would not come to this but you leave me no choice.”

The door opened. Six of the palace security guard waited outside.

Amira turned to her father, who stood behind his desk in his general’s pose: back straight and in command. He didn’t look at her, directing his attention at the armed men. “Escort Princess Amira to her apartments. She is not to leave without my express permission.”

Amira glowered at her father. Right now contempt wasn’t a good enough word. She despised him. “Do you think my mother would have approved of this?”

He looked at her then, a swift glance filled with sorrow before he said to the squad commander, “Take her away.”

“I despise you.” She marched off, flanked by the guards.


Oh my gosh! Doesn't that just get the blood flowing? What a terrible situation, one I can't wait to see the resolution of.

This book is available on Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Payhip

Here's a little about the author of this intriguing snippet.

Greta van der Rol loves writing action-packed adventures with a side salad of romance. Most of her work is space opera, but she has written paranormal and historical fiction. She lives not far from the coast in Queensland, Australia and enjoys photography and cooking when she isn’t bent over the computer. She has a degree in history and a background in building information systems, both of which go a long way toward helping her in her writing endeavours.

Find Greta on her awesome website:

Have you read down this far? How about a giveaway! You could win a $10 Amazon or B&N Gift Card. :)

Friday, August 8, 2014

Blog Tour: Tethered by Pippa Jay

Looking for a great Science Fiction Romance to read this weekend? I am so excited to announce that "Tethered" by Pippa Jay is out now! To commemorate this latest release, Pippa is giving away this fabulous necklace through Rafflecopter below.


Check out this great description. She had me with "scarred, grieving." I'm such a sucker for characters who need a little TLC.


She can kill with a kiss. But can assassin Tyree also heal one man’s grief, and bring peace to a galaxy threatened by war?

For Tyree of the Su, being an assassin isn’t simply something she was trained for. It’s the sole reason for her existence. A genetically enhanced clone—one of many in Refuge—she’s about to learn her secluded lifestyle, and that of all her kind, is under threat by a race capable of neutralizing their special talents to leave them defenseless.

For Zander D’joren, being a diplomat has not only cost him his appearance, but also the love of his life. Scarred, grieving, he must nonetheless continue in his role as co-delegate to the fearsome Tier-vane or risk a conflict that could only end one way.

Now both of them need to keep each other alive and maintain a perilous deception long enough to renegotiate the treaty with the Tier-vane, or throw their people into a war that could wipe out Terrans and Inc-Su alike. But there’s more at stake than humanity, whether true or modified. Can the love growing between them save them both? Or merely hasten their destruction?

Buy links:

Breathless Press - (and for the whole of August, Breathless Press is offering 50% off to celebrate their 5th birthday!)

Add it to your Goodreads TBR here –

Sign up to my no-spam newsletter to get updated on the latest releases, giveaways and special offers. Exclusive snippets and stories coming soon!


After spending twelve years working as an Analytical Chemist in a Metals and Minerals laboratory, Pippa Jay is now a stay-at-home mum who writes scifi and the supernatural. Somewhere along the way a touch of romance crept into her work and refused to leave. In between torturing her plethora of characters, she spends the odd free moment playing guitar very badly, punishing herself with freestyle street dance, and studying the Dark Side of the Force. Although happily settled in the historical town of Colchester in the UK with her husband of 21 years and three little monsters, she continues to roam the rest of the Universe in her head.

Pippa Jay is a dedicated member of the Science Fiction Romance Brigade, blogging at Spacefreighters Lounge, Adventures in Scifi, and Romancing the Genres. Her works include a YA science fiction novel—Gethyon—published through BURST (Champagne Books), three self-published short stories (Terms & Conditions Apply, The Bones of the Sea, and Reboot), and she’s one of eight authors included in a science fiction romance anthology—Tales from the SFR Brigade. She’s also a double SFR Galaxy Award winner, been a finalist in the Heart of Denver RWA Aspen Gold Contest (3rd place), and the GCC RWA Silken Sands Star Awards (2nd place).

You can stalk her at her website, or at her blog, but without doubt her favorite place to hang around and chat is on Twitter as @pippajaygreen.

Adventures in Scifi -

Spacefreighters Lounge -

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Starry Nights Blog Hop

Welcome to the SFR Brigade's 3rd annual Midsummer Blog Hop. The giveaway is open from the 21st-25th June 2014 PST. Please visit the blogs listed below for your chance to enter for the grand prizes, and invidual prizes are also on offer. Enjoy!

1. Pippa Jay  17. Corrina Lawson  33. K.M. Fawcett  
2. E.Hoorneart  18. Veronica Scott  34. Tara Quan  
3. Diane Burton  19. Lyn Brittan  35. Cara Bristol  
4. Yolanda Sfetsos  20. Nina Croft  36. Patricia Green  
5. A. Catherine Noon  21. Angelia Sparrow  37. Deborah A Bailey  
6. SJ Pajonas  22. Rachel Leigh Smith  38. S. E. Gilchrist  
7. RA Odum  23. Kate Corcino  39. PK HREZO  
8. Elle Clouse  24. Corinne Kilgore  40. Jamie Grey  
9. Aria Kane  25. J.A. Kenney  41. KG Stutts  
10. Michelle Browne  26. Linda Mooney  42. Christie Meierz  
11. Pauline Baird Jones  27. ML Skye  43. Ann Gimpel  
12. Cathryn Cade  28. Kyndra Hatch  44. Jessica E. Subject  
13. Diane Dooley  29. Misa Buckley  45. Monette Michaels  
14. Imogene Nix  30. Liza O'Connor  46. Alexis Duran  
15. Melisse Aires  31. Greta van der Rol  47. Marlene Relja  
16. Laurie A. Green  32. Robyn Bachar  48. Aurora Springer  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Starry Nights

Hello everybody! I am literally moving from Alabama to Nevada right now, but there is no way I am going to miss the SFR Brigade's 3rd Annual Blog Hop. Funny, because I was moving during last year's blog hop as well. Oh, the military life. Hopefully there isn't a pattern here... Nah, we'll be in Nevada for a few years, at least, so next year I'll finally be stationary for this very awesome blog hop.

For this year's Starry Nights theme, I have an excerpt from my work in progress Fracture Series. There are a few snippets from this series throughout my blog. My story, 'The Stranger,' that was published in "Tales from the SFR Brigade" is set in the future of this scene. Without further ado:

Alexander Maddox walked into the barn, into a scene that he would never forget, on a night full of scenes that he would never forget. There, pinned against a support beam by none other than Bazin, was the mella; he couldn't remember her name to save his life. Her chest lay open with the same bright burning ball of icy blue fire he'd seen in Bazin's. She was emitting noises that sounded like whimpering and her body was shaking. Bazin was holding her wrists behind her back, his injured leg shaking against her as he struggled to keep his balance. His own chest was open, but, from this angle, Alex couldn't see his core. However, Alex couldn't miss the large humming cannon pointed his way.

"Maddox!" Bazin bellowed. "If you do not get out of here, I will shoot you where you stand!"

Alex backed up, shocked to see a weapon, even more so about the prospect that Bazin would actually shoot him.

But the mella. What was going on? Actual concern for her kept him from going too far. Suddenly, he remembered her name.

"Um, Miaxa?" he swallowed.

"Get out!" they both yelled in unison and Alex could not oblige fast enough.


Alex ran out of the barn and shut the door, leaning his forehead against it as he couldn't imagine his night getting any crazier.

"What's going on?" Lynn's voice came from behind him, and he jumped high in the air.

"Lynn! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" He raised his head towards the sky, the winking stars surely mocking him.

Lynn ignored him. "I want to meet her."

"You can't right now…um...I think he's about to screw her," Alex stated matter-of-fact.

"What? Can they do that?" Lynn tried peaking through the cracks in the door, apparently ignoring his crude statement in her curiosity.

"I…I don't know, but he threatened to kill me," Alex said excitedly and described what he saw. They went silent as they heard noises coming from within.

"It sounds like he's killing her," Lynn said worriedly. "What should we do?"


It was Ander who answered the phone. "Alexander Maddox," he exclaimed in greeting. "We have been looking for you. We have been trying to locate Bazin."

"Well, he's here," Alex said and before he could get anything else out…

"He's there? Kelyan was getting worried that the new arrival might be a Skellyd that he couldn't handle, possibly broadcasting a Gathon signal to lure us into a trap. Why didn't he bring him here? Where is he now? We need to speak with him."

A who? Why would they be luring them into a trap?

"That's why I'm calling. I think we need your help. Bazin said the new arrival's name is Miaxa..." and Alex launched into the story of his day and how they are now out in his barn and his concern. Miaxa could be dead already.

There was silence on Ander's end.

After some length, Alex finally asked, "Ander, are you still there?"

Alex heard a whooshing sound and then, "Yes, well, that explains why he has not been answering our calls." Another moment passed, another whooshing sound. "So, why do you need our help?"

"You never said he was armed," Alex said. "He threatened to kill me."

"I'll pretend I didn't hear you say that," Ander commented. "But don't worry. He would never harm any of you."

Alex wasn't really worried about Bazin harming him or his family. He knew Bazin better than any human. It wasn't the threat that worried him; it was the fact that these aliens had weapons. So many questions rose to the surface that he didn't know where to start. Were all of them armed?

"And he's not hurting her, Alexander Maddox," Ander continued, completely oblivious of Alex's inner struggle.

"I keep telling you guys that you can just call me 'Alex.'" With the current circumstances, Alex decided now wasn't the time to push about the weapon.

"He's not hurting her, Alex," Ander repeated. "They are both in considerable pain due to the amount of time they've been separated and they need to join."

"What? What does that mean? Do you mean they're having sex in my barn? My grandfather built that barn!" Of course, he and his wife had defiled it a time or two, but that was beside the point.

"They cannot have sex, Alexander, er, Alex. We are not like organics. We lack the organs for such a function," Ander said. "As far as their reaction upon first contact…That is very interesting."

"Interesting? You mean, you don't even know?" Alex couldn't believe it. Not only did he not understand them, but it seemed there were things they didn't understand about themselves.

"Coremates have never been separated this long before, so it's new to us too. I will record your accounting and then ask them more at another time. But for now, you had probably better give them some space. Those two are about as trigger-happy as a couple of Skellyds."

"Yea, I gathered," Alex retorted. "Are you sure they're not?" There was silence on the other end. "I'm just kidding, Ander. I don't even know what a Ske-lad is."

End Scene.

Thanks so much for stopping by! Since I'm moving, I don't have any prizes to offer. The only thing I can offer right now is a free book, which is always free and also part of all the main prizes: "Tales from the SFR Brigade."  There is no requirement to comment here, but you are definitely welcome to say something if you'd like. Entry to the grand prize is via Rafflecopter below. The prizes this year are amazing!

Thanks again!


Friday, June 13, 2014

Cover Reveal - Tethered

She can kill with a kiss. But can assassin Tyree also heal one man's grief, and bring peace to a galaxy threatened by war?

For Tyree of the Su, being an assassin isn’t simply something she was trained for. It's the sole reason for her existence. A genetically enhanced clone—one of many in Refuge—she's about to learn her secluded lifestyle, and that of all her kind, is under threat by a race capable of neutralizing their special talents to leave them defenseless.

For Zander D'joren, being a diplomat has not only cost him his appearance, but also the love of his life. Scarred, grieving, he must nonetheless continue in his role as co-delegate to the fearsome Tier-vane or risk a conflict that could only end one way.

Now both of them need to keep each other alive and maintain a perilous deception long enough to renegotiate the treaty with the Tier-vane, or throw their people into a war that could wipe out Terrans and Inc-Su alike. But there's more at stake than humanity, whether true or modified. Can the love growing between them save them both? Or merely hasten their destruction?
A science fiction romance novella, coming from Breathless Press 25th July.
Add it to your Goodreads shelf HERE.
Sign up to my no-spam newsletter HERE to get early sneak peeks at covers, and news of the latest releases, giveaways and contest.

A thrill of excitement shivered down her spine as she backed away a few steps with Zander following. He shrugged off his formal outer robes, and for the first time she could appreciate the broad expanse of his chest, the close-fitting fabric stretched over well-defined muscles. It appeared he hadn't allowed his physique to slacken, despite leaving the Galactic Commission.

"Are you ready?" she asked.

Zander spread his hands in an open gesture to say that he was.

So why is he just standing there like a defunct Manikin instead of poised to fight?

Tyree took her combat position and Zander matched her, just as the Manikin had done. She'd never fought a human in combat practice before. This should be interesting.

She sprang forward and aimed two rapid punches at his face. Zander evaded both with a speed and grace totally out of proportion to his bulk. Her third he blocked with little effort, and she stepped back to reassess her strategy. But only for an instant.

A quick step forward and she lashed upward with her foot, snapping his head back. Zander staggered but didn't fall. Her second kick failed as he grabbed her ankle and jerked her off balance. She twisted as she dropped and caught him hard in the knee. Zander collapsed. Both rolled aside, and then jumped up to face each other again.

Not bad.

Tyree bit back a laugh as they exchanged blows, each faster than the last. Zander blocked or evaded most, but not all. His skill almost matched hers, yet his defenses were just a fraction too slow. Each move she made tested his reach, his reflexes and his stamina until she could sense him struggling a little.

Time for the kill.

She floored him with a kick to the chest, the full weight of her augmented density behind it, but as she moved in to finish the fight he dove into her. Tyree landed on her back hard enough to drive the breath from her lungs.

Zander had her pinned to the ground. She bucked but couldn't shift him. The triumphant smile on his face sent rage blazing through her gut. With hardly a whisper, she Misted out and went through him. Golden warmth filled her for a second before she pulled free. Zander pushed to his feet and spun to meet her, but she cranked up her molecular density and punched him hard in the chest. He collapsed, gasping and coughing. In one fluid movement she sat astride him at full density, and the air whumphed out of his lungs. She pinioned his arms with her hands, her face hovering mere centimeters above his.

As her breathing slowed to normal, a huge grin split her face. She'd made a vow to herself to jump him, and she'd done it. Perhaps it was childish, but it warmed her heart.

" well deserved," he gasped.

"You're not so bad yourself," she complimented him. He'd fought well, but perhaps not quite with the determination—and certainly not the desperation—of most opponents she'd faced. "For a human."

"Thank you. Perhaps we could try this again tomorrow?"

Tyree laughed. As much as he could irritate the hell out of her, he was equally amusing. "If you want to spend most of your morning on the floor..."

He gazed up at her with that easy smile, making no effort to struggle. Most humans, without the influence of her pheromones and the distraction of her naked body writhing above theirs, would not have been so trusting. So compliant. She found herself staring at his mouth. What would it be like to kiss him, without the use of her talents? Would it be as satisfying? As sensual? The warmth of him, the firmness of his body beneath hers, sent heat spiraling through her abdomen.

"Perhaps you could let me up now?" His words jerked her from such musings. What the hell was she thinking?

After spending twelve years working as an Analytical Chemist in a Metals and Minerals laboratory, Pippa Jay is now a stay-at-home mum who writes scifi and the supernatural. Somewhere along the way a touch of romance crept into her work and refused to leave. In between torturing her plethora of characters, she spends the odd free moment playing guitar very badly, punishing herself with freestyle street dance, and studying the Dark Side of the Force. Although happily settled in the historical town of Colchester in the UK with her husband of 21 years and three little monsters, she continues to roam the rest of the Universe in her head.
Pippa Jay is a dedicated member of the Science Fiction Romance Brigade, blogging at Spacefreighters Lounge, Adventures in Scifi, and Romancing the Genres. Her works include a YA science fiction novel—Gethyon—published through BURST (Champagne Books), two self-published short stories (Terms & Conditions Apply and The Bones of the Sea), and she's one of eight authors included in a science fiction romance anthology—Tales from the SFR Brigade. She's also a double SFR Galaxy Award winner, been a finalist in the Heart of Denver RWA Aspen Gold Contest (3rd place), and the GCC RWA Silken Sands Star Awards (2nd place).

You can stalk her at her website, or at her blog, but without doubt her favorite place to hang around and chat is on Twitter as @pippajaygreen.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Brenda Novak Auction Ends May 31st

Hello everyone! The Science Fiction Romance Brigade has donated some amazing books and items to the Brenda Novak Auction for Diabetes Research. Included in the auction is a RARE print copy of "Tales from the SFR Brigade." Check out the 'out-of-this-world' offerings and if anything appeals to you, place a bid. :) Bidding ends on May 31st, so there isn't much time left.

Brenda Novak Auction

Happy Bidding!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

SFR Galaxy Award Winner and Giveaway

I was writing away on a B-movie story by L.K. Hatchett, so engrossed with it that I wasn't checking my social media. At some point on Friday, I decided to take a break and what do I do when I'm taking a break from writing? Jump straight on social media, lol. It's such a time sink that I try to stay away from it, but fail.

I have two twitter accounts (one for each penname) and there was a message from Pippa Jay asking, "Have you checked your FB?" on my L.K. Hatchett account. Um, no...So I hop right on over to Facebook and there's this buzz about some sort of writing awards. People waiting and posting as each round of the awards was posted. Then I see it...Then I check the blogs, find websites I didn't know about...

And, OMG, it has taken several days of "Is this really happening?" for it to finally sink in.

'The Stranger,' my short story that was published in "Tales from the SFR Brigade," has won the "Outstanding Debut Story" in the 2014 SFR Galaxy Awards. I am so excited! I am now an award-winning author!

Here is the announcement: SFR Galaxy Awards: Round Four by Laurie A. Green.

This is what it says:

Outstanding Debut Story
The Stanger - Kyndra  Hatch (Tales from the SFR Brigade anthology)

There are so many things to love about this short--but very powerful--SFR, the first published work by debut author Kyndra Hatch. It takes place amid a terrible war with an alien species, centering on a battle worn soldier who has sacrificed everything for her cause. This tale of survival artfully blends high stakes, suspense, mystery, heartbreak, duty, and honor in a succinct mix that completely engages, and then delivers a twist that thoroughly satisfies. The Stranger is truly an outstanding debut effort by a "Next Generation" Science Fiction Romance author.

End announcement.

I am completely floored! This story has come a long way from the story that was initially rejected. Thanks to the SFRB Anthology team, I was given the chance to revise the story with advice from published authors. Thanks to my wonderful editor, Diane Dooley, I was given the chance to make it the best story it can be.

I am embarrassed to admit that I am such a newb I didn't even know what these awards were, but I will definitely know from now on. You may be wondering too, so here's a short blurb from the SFR Galaxy Awards website and the link with more information.

"The SFR Galaxy Awards is an annual, multi-award event for science fiction romance books. Launched in 2012 by bloggers Laurie A. Green of Spacefreighters Lounge and Heather Massey of The Galaxy Express, the goal of this event is to honor a variety of standout stories."

Read more here: SFR Galaxy Awards.

This award couldn't be more timely for a special giveaway of a rare print edition of "Tales from the SFR Brigade." Of course, I'm biased, but it's such a beautiful book!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Tales From The SFR Brigade by J.C. Cassels

Tales From The SFR Brigade

by J.C. Cassels

Giveaway ends February 14, 2014.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win

If you're not looking for more paperbacks to clutter your space, or you're a completest and want to collect both, the e-book is always free: Tales from the SFR Brigade.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Why Triberr Scared Me

There are about 25 people who follow my blog. I'm pretty comfortable with that number. It's not intimidating and I know most of them.

Enter Triberr...

When Triberr first started, I jumped right in. I joined the SFR Brigade tribe, then started getting invites to others, all of which I joined. Next thing I know, there's a reach of about three million people.

Once that sank in, I froze up.

Three. Million. People.

Have three million people flocked to follow my blog? Not at all. Have millions come to read each of my blog posts? Nope. But it has resulted in more traffic and the potential is still there.

It scared me so much that I stopped posting much of anything on my blog. What if people don't like what I post? What if I say something stupid? Even scarier still, what if they find out about my stories, read them, and then post on their blogs about how much they hate them? What if, gasp, they find out I'm human?

The internet can be a wild, scary place.

When sharing other people's blog posts through Triberr, I started noticing that people are generally just being people. They post about what they want and no one belittles them for that. In fact, it attracts interest. That's what it is supposed to do, right? And for every ten or so people that love a story, there's going to be one hater. The whole world isn't going to start hating on every story they read.

So, here I am. It's a new year and I'm entering a new stage with my writing. I'm no longer going to allow myself to be frightened by Triberr, but embrace what it has to offer. I'm going to let it do what it's supposed to do and let myself write and post without intimidation or fear of what the exposure can bring.

Besides, I'm always sharing posts by others through Triberr, so why not give myself the opportunity for others to share more posts by me?

Go blog!